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19 Resultados
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Product Collection

    • Best Seller
    Brillo de labios voluminizador Full-On™


    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars

    Brillo de labios voluminizador Full-On™

    Labios rellenos, cosquilleo tentador, brillo intenso.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €25,00
    • Best Seller
    Dolly Babe
    Dolly Babe

    muñequita nena

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

    Suero labial Plump Shot™

    Un suero labial rellenador clínicamente demostrado con péptidos de colágeno que rellenan y suavizan los labios.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €30,00
    • Best Seller
    Berry Blast | PLP
    Wild Orchid | PLP

    explosión de bayas

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars

    Brillo labial en crema voluminizador Full-On™

    Brillo cremoso y sin brillo que da volumen a los labios.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €25,00
    • Best Seller
    Dolly Fever
    Dolly Fever | PLP
    First Crush | PLP

    Gran "O"

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars

    Bálsamo labial potente y regordete

    Bálsamo labial hidratante y voluminizador.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €22,00
    • Best Seller
    Sexy Vamp
    Sexy Vamp | PLP
    Skin Tease | PLP

    muñeca muñeca

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars

    Lápiz labial satinado Full-On™

    Lápiz labial cremoso y satinado, color intenso.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €26,00
    • Best Seller
    Máscara voluminizadora de pestañas BUXOM®
    BUXOM® Lash Volumizing Mascara | PLP
    BUXOM® Lash Volumizing Mascara | PLP

    Default Title

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars

    Máscara voluminizadora de pestañas BUXOM®

    Da volumen, define y alarga.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €28,00
    • New
    Blackberry Jam
    Cinnamon Kiss
    Blackberry Jam | PLP

    Beso de canela

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars

    Bálsamo labial voluminizador Full-On™

    Bálsamo labial voluminizador, hidratación las 24 horas clínicamente demostrada, volumen instantáneo y el tinte transparente perfecto.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €25,00
  • muñeca brillosa

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

    Esmalte labial voluminizador Full-On™

    Versión súper brillante de DOLLY.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €25,00
  • Dragon de fruta

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

    Exfoliante labial potente y completo

    Exfolia suavemente para labios suaves y besables.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €22,00
    • Travel-Size
    Máscara de Pestañas Mini BUXOM®
    Máscara de Pestañas Mini BUXOM®
    Máscara de Pestañas Mini BUXOM®

    Default Title

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars

    Máscara de Pestañas Mini BUXOM®

    Da volumen, define y alarga.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €17,00
  • Dolly Glamortini

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars

    Crema labial voluminizadora Full-On™

    Brillo DOLLY cremoso y sin brillo.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €25,00
    • New
    White Russian
    White Russian | PLP
    White Russian | PLP

    White Russian

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars

    Full-On™ Plumping Glossy Lip Oil

    A plumping lip oil packed with peptides for lips that look and feel smooth, hydrated, and plumped with mirror-like, juicy shine.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €26,95
    • Best Seller
    Blissful Buff
    Tickled Pink
    Berry Glam | PLP

    muñeca descarada

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars

    Rubor voluminizador avanzado Plump Shot™ Collagen Peptides

    Mejillas clínicamente rellenas, rubor de crema a polvo, acabado difuminado y similar a un filtro.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €29,00
    • Travel-Size
    Suero labial Mini Plump Shot™
    Suero labial Mini Plump Shot™
    Suero labial Mini Plump Shot™


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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 2.0 out of 5 stars

    Suero labial Mini Plump Shot™

    Labios visiblemente rellenos con colágeno.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €18,00
  • Desnudo

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    Variantes de producto
    Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars

    Manteca labial Power-Full Plump + Repair

    La hidratación las 24 horas* se combina con el relleno instantáneo de los labios para lograr unos labios suaves, lujosos y visiblemente voluminosos.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €23,00
  • Default Title

    Making a selection with these color options will cause content on this page to change. Product image will update with each selected option.
    Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars

    Paleta de sombras de ojos Forever Babe

    12 tonos con prebase para cada tono de piel.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €45,00
  • Latte de pastel de calabaza

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    Variantes de producto

    Crema labial voluminizadora Keep It Spicy Full-On™

    Latte con aroma a pastel de calabaza, edición limitada.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €25,00
    • $47 Value
    Full-On™ Plumping Lip Cream Gloss and Power Line™ Plumping Lip Liner
    Bold Beige
    Full-On™ Plumping Lip Cream Gloss and Power Line™ Plumping Lip Liner

    Berry Blast / Bold Beige

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    Full-On™ Plumping Lip Cream Gloss and Power Line™ Plumping Lip Liner

    BUXOM'S bestselling lip gloss that visibly plumps the appearance of lips with a tantalizing tingle in a high-shine, mirror-like finish paired with our Power Line™ Plumping Lip Liner.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €41,95

    $47 Value

    • $57 Value
    Plump Shot™ Pairings
    Plump Shot™ Pairings
    Plump Shot™ Pairings

    Blissful Buff / Dreamy Dolly

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    Plump Shot™ Pairings

    A clinically-shown plumping lip serum that plumps and smooths lips paired with our blush that clinically plumps cheeks and a filter-like finish.

    • Precio regular
      EUR €47,95

    $57 Value

Showing 19 of 19 items

Cyber Monday FAQs

Who has the best Cyber Monday beauty product deals?

Buxom has some of the best Cyber Monday beauty product deals because each of their iconic plumping products is on sale for 30% off. If you’re a fan of plumping lip liners, glosses,
lip serums, and blushes, you have to shop Buxom’s Cyber Monday Beauty Product deals.

What makeup stores are doing free shipping Cyber Monday?

You can get free shipping in the US at Buxom during Cyber Monday if you spend $50 on iconic plumping makeup. Add just a few products to cart, and the free shipping’s yours.

Where to buy makeup on Cyber Monday?

The best place to buy makeup on Cyber Monday is Buxom. With products to suit every skin type, makeup look, season, and trend, Buxom has everything you need when it comes to building the perfect makeup routine.

When is Cyber Monday 2024?

Mark your calendars for December 2nd, 2024, as that is when Cyber Monday is this year. It’s the Monday after Thanksgiving and you can get 30% off the entire site, so don’t miss out.

When will Cyber Monday end?

Cyber Monday ends December 3rd meaning you only have 48 hours to take advantage of Buxom’s Cyber Monday Beauty Deals!

Black Friday Cosmetics Sale Info 

Ready for Buxom’s Black Friday Makeup Sale?  

It’s officially time to load up your carts with your favorite plumping lip gloss because Black Friday is just around the corner. And if you want to save on all your Buxom favorites, now’s the time.

Can’t-Miss Beauty Products: Black Friday Sale  

We’ve curated a list of all our can’t miss beauty products–Black Friday edition. First, our cult-classic lip plumping gloss is a must. With 20 shades, each with clinically-proven plump, you’re guaranteed to find a favorite. Be sure to try our lip scrubs as the perfect lip prep and our plumping blush.  

It’s the Black Friday Cosmetics Sale You’ve Been Waiting For 

Buxom is known for its bombshell lip products and sultry eyeshadow palettes, and now’s your chance to try them all at irresistible prices. From plumping lipsticks and blushes to longwear eyeliner and shadows, it’s time to update your makeup bag with the Black Friday cosmetics sale products you’ve been eyeing.